4 more mind blowing practices for instant expansion and happiness

Photo PSLB

#1 You are the master of your life.

No matter how much you may be tempted to place blame someone else You are responsible for your life…… for your experiences, mistakes and successes, challenges and opportunities. You are the path maker and path taker, the dreamer and the builder.

And no matter how tempting negative urges may be, like impatience and worry, you are very capable of observing them within yourself without involvement.  

For example, when I am negatively criticized I immediately notice that I may be tempted to choose a revengeful, verbal attack. Yet, I become conscious of the temptation because of the way it feels …. dark.

This may happen to you also, but know that after that first time you recognize such a temptation and choose to let it go, You will choose to release it again and again …… because of the way it feels …. harmonious. And Peace will be upon you.

But even when we do fall into negative temptations, we can learn from the experience. Our Higher Self helps us recognize Truth through intuition, gut feelings, instinct and even reason.

There is no comprise with Truth. It is Truth always. It is what It is. And when I recognize that I’ve fallen into a fear based temptation, like guilt and self-punishment, I am Grateful for my Higher Self’s recognition and the Truth of it. And I know that I have the freedom of choice to move beyond the mistake and return to sanity and Love. And that freedom is so inspiring.

#2 see yourself in others

Relationships are wonderful opportunities to expand our happiness, including those that may seem challenging. We are not here to judge or to change anyone else, rather to learn to love and evolve as we travel our own spiritual path ….. to change ourself and be lead by Love in our earthly life.

As we come to know our own good, bad and ugly without attachments, we can walk alongside another person and get insights into their conditioning that hold them in subconscious habits and traits similar to us.

And You may begin to see yourself in them. Recognition can stir a longing and hope for them to suffer less.

And You may feel compassionate energy spring from your heart, touch them and eventually return to you increased even though you expected nothing in return. It’s the Laws of Attraction and Compensation being factors in your reality. 

#3 Relate to everything!

Everything is connected through Universal Life Energy and you can feel It. You can cup up your hands, silent the thinking mind and feel Universal Life Energy flowing through You, flowing through Mother Nature, the plants, the trees, the earth, the air, the expansive of the universe.

You can observe the Beauty in a nonattached state that is impersonal, yet deeply moving and loving. And feel yourself expand mentally and your emotions soar!

#4 This naturally leads to gratitude and ways to express it

As You recognize your interconnection with the Universe, You may come to feel a deep, sincere gratitude. And compassion may rise in your Heart with an intent of easing suffering in the world. And with the help of the Great Principle this intent will also ease suffering within yourself.

Consider Transmitting Universal Life Energy and Love to the World practice. It is very Inspiring and also a bridge to your soul. 

In the hope you find Love close at hand, PortiaSLB

“Know the Truth and It shall make you free, because real Truth means strength, power and enlightenment to choose your own path in this World.”

Eugene Fersen, The Fundamental Principles of Science of Being, page 175.

For more consider:

Instant Peace and Harmony

5 signs you are integrating your inner genders

Photo by cottonbro on Pexels.com

We will usually pursue development of our mind before we pursue development of our heart and love. We need both our inner male gender of mind and inner female gender of Love in balance and in a state of cooperation. Ying and Yang active and blending. Otherwise the human mind can create an ego that runs on self-service, separatism and manipulation. And a reality to match.

Mind in its higher state of consciousness is also Love. And Love is also Wise. So, ideally we are transitioning from our mental interpretation of gender duality, mind and heart believed to be separate, to integrating both within as one. And thus, with patience our reality gradually becomes one of happiness and harmony. 

Here are some signs that you are integrating your inner genders of Mind and Love, harmonizing your reality through the Law of Gender:

1. You are mindful and live in the moment. 

You are Self-conscious, present in your body and in your heart. You are aware and choose to love the moment, seeing it as an opportunity in life to learn more about yourself and the reality you create through your consciousness with Love and the powers of the Great Principle. Enthusiastic.

2. You begin to see yourself in others.  

You see both the Divinity in them and in yourself! When I am conscious of this experience, I am also conscious of the compassion I feel for others and myself. We are all One and connected.

You, like me, may come to realize that we all are looking for unconditional Love in others. And, I am so grateful to be in the presence of such beautiful Souls, in the great sea of the Universe and on Mother Earth.

On the emotional level your Heart Center is your Seat of Love. And, Love is inclusive, unifying. 

Higher emotional energies from your Heart are personal love, impersonal Love, sincerity, and gratitude. You have an attitude of goodwill and compassion for others and for yourself. When I live a conscious heart I listen to others from my Heart with consideration and respect.

Our emotions have a major impact on our consciousness, our  thoughts and behaviors, which in turn have a major impact in our reality. Every emotion is manifested reality.

Emotionally we are part of one Heart, connected with Universal Love. Mentally we are part of one Self-consciousness, one Superconsciousness and one subconsciousness. Unity is the Law of the Universe.

Separative thinking causes us to forget not only who we truly are, but also our authentic power as Souls. We can feel left out, lonely and afraid because we have forgotten the support of the Eternal and our connection with all humanity. Separatists are self-righteous and can become fanatical.

When you mentally become conscious of the tenderness of your Heart, you become inclusive and sensitive to the condition of others you are close to, to the condition of humanity, to the condition of Mother Earth. In that awareness you develop compassion for yourself and others. 

3. You listen to the Wisdom of your Heart. 

Wisdom is the living energy of Cosmic Mind. This gives you the authentic power of discrimination through your Heart, uniting Mind and Love. You are honest, sincere and your word is law.

On the intuition level the higher energies of your Heart may manifest as inspiration, intuition and even instinct. You are constantly being guided by the Wisdom of your Heart and Love through your Superconsciousness.

As I become more grateful for what I understand in the Wisdom and from my Higher Self, I am quieter and listen more to my intuition. And, the more I am grateful for the guidance, the more I receive.

There are times that I make a mistake, but when I review as to how it came about I usuallly remember that I had received guidance from my Higher Self but didn’t follow it!

Since the heart is also an emotional center we can feel what is harmonious, wise, true and loving. When you integrate both Heart and Mind, both your feminine and masculine genders, you become conscious of what you’re feeling and make empowered decisions. You discriminate, choosing to be motivated by Love instead of fear. And, this is also has a radiance of protection for you! Love is your protection.

As a bonus …… when you make a conscious decision lead by Love ….. then that energy also enters your subconscious, your feminine mental gender. In the subconscious it takes root to grow, to once again resurface at the appropriate time to your consciousness, your masculine mental gender, as a beautiful effect in your consciousness and life.

For more about your mental genders consider: The Law of Gender you’ve probably never been conscious of Part 1.

4. You appreciate Beauty.

When you become more conscious of Love you begin to truly recognize and appreciate Beauty. You see beauty all around you: in others, in their character, expressions and sincerity. You appreciate the beauty in the art, music, dance and rhythms, in colors, in sounds and throughout nature. A bird’s song, a flower’s shape, color and fragrance has qualities that are beautiful.

Tastes and touches can be very beautiful. You experience beauty in the day sky and starry night sky. In simplicity, a curve, line and geometry, In numbers, words and feelings. In Silence.

5. You generously Love.

You are considerate, express goodwill, are respectful, and hope the best for others. Grateful. 

For more on releasing the ego and embracing higher levels of consciousness:

Ways to go beyond ordinary thinking.

In the hope You find Love close at hand, PortiaSLB

“The male and the female qualities are both powers, and very beautiful powers. These fine characteristic of a complete being are within us. Let us bring them out. Perseverance, cooperation and collaboration are required.”

Eugene Fersen, Advanced Lessons in Science of Being, Volume I, page 58.