The most practical knowledge about hateful attitudes!

“When human beings realize that to entertain unfriendly thoughts of any kind towards others is to let loose in themselves an enemy to ravage and destroy, they will be less ready to admit Hatred, Avarice, Anger and all the other negative emotions. The individual who discharges evil thoughts at an enemy strikes a double blow at himself, because not only does that disharmony permeate first his own system, but the destructive mental vibrations he releases, controlled by certain Immutable Laws, must return greatly augmented to their point of origin. …

The only effective way for killing once and for all the menace of the boiler in your Mind is to kill the negative fires under it. The one Power which negative cannot withstand is obviously the Power of the Positive, or Universal Life Energy. If you make the contact with that Force whenever you feel the rising heat of rebellious emotions, drenching in Its cool stream those inner fires of evil, you will extinguish them utterly, leaving yourself calm and free to cope with the situation that confronts you. …

Two ingredients are essential in the prescription you fill from the Laboratory of Nature – Patience and Perseverance.”

Eugene Fersen, The Fundamental Principles of Science of Being, pages 234-6.

We each face many challenges in our life! And on a daily basis. Yet, a more optimistic way to look at them is to consider them opportunities for establishing Harmony. They point to areas in our life to be healed.

And I have found that the most beneficial thing to do is to pause, breathe, and be grateful. Grateful for the awareness that here is an opportunity to do something practical to help myself and others in a very real way.

That’s when I also contact Universal Life Energy. It’s simple and easy to pause, come into my breath and mentally realize that I am One with Universal Life Energy that flows through me now.

Like when things don’t go the way we think they should and we become frustrated, impatient and hateful ….. those feelings points to an opportunity to first, become conscious and aware of them. Second, observe the feelings as from a distance. Then, healing yourself with Universal Life Energy. Just make the contact and leave the rest to that Power. And finally, to consciously choose an uplifting, loving attitude.

Frustration, impatience and blame are erroneous zones …… they are within us and can be healed with Universal Life Energy and Love. And we can choose to be motivated by different emotions, like understanding, patience, gratitude and unconditional Love.

A feeling of sympathy for someone as in, “Bless your heart,” is an empathy miss because we are comparing ourselves and being motivated of our own feelings of superiority and self-righteousness. Empathy would be feeling what the other is feeling and understanding with a compassionate heart.

Emotions can be felt in the heart, yet are triggered in the brain by our thoughts and experiences. And we become conscious of the emotions as feelings. Feelings feeds our behaviors and more thinking, attitudes and behaviors, circling. We become conditioned to react with egotistic, negative emotions by repetitive exposure, and they also become automatic habits for us.

Being conscious and aware of this process in the moment gives us an opportunity to free ourselves from conditioning and habits. We have the freedom to choose our next move! And every choice counts and manifests, rebounding back into our reality.

So the most practical thing to do is to be aware and throw ourselves completely into the Positive Power of Universal Life Energy. It’s our choice, our freedom to do so! And it’s simple and easy.

Mental Contact with Universal Life Energy

The Star Exercise

Photo by rizknas on

In the hope You find Love close at hand, PortiaSLB