You and Unconditional Love


Though we believe that unconditional Love is something far from us ….. it is near at hand. We experience Unconditional Love in our daily reality when feel grounded by the pull of earth’s gravity ….. when we enjoy the clouds and feel the sun upon our face …… when we appreciate and return the smile of a stranger in passing.

Yet, even more evident is when we manifest Unconditional Love! When we Unconditionally Love a child that does things that we are not happy about. Nevertheless we Love them and help them through hardships.

Humans make mistakes, experience flaws and karmic conditions. Unconditional Love understands that, witnessing it with clear vision and compassion. And with compassion we can lend a hand to help find a way through troubles. 

Manifesting Unconditional Love

With Unconditional Love, one of the most powerful things we can do for a love one that has to face the consequences of their own negative behaviors, is to reflect back to them their own lovingness. 

With Unconditional Love we can be kind and reflect their own love back to them by reminding them of all the wonderful things they have done. Remind them of any kindnesses and considerations they have shown ….. of any gentleness ….. and of any genuine Love they have shown. 

In other words, focus on their spiritual, loving qualities and reflect them back so they might remember their True, Loving Self rather than criticizing their harmful behaviors. Criticizing the latter only reinforces those negative behaviors! 

We experience Unconditional Love when we release the negativity of self-righteous judgements and forgive others because in essence we are forgiving ourselves of guilt and fear!

You are courageous enough to face opinions, self-righteousness, anger, resentments, grudges, guilts squarely. Face the defensiveness and fear and come into your true power of courage! 

That energy field of courage helps you rise into higher consciousness energy fields ….. detaching from the self-righteousness, etc. and you are no longer a victim. You can rise into willingness to commitment to allow happiness …… willingness to commit to being FourSquare, considerate and caring. 

For more, including how Love is your protection and how to Love yourself Unconditionally: Unconditional Love …. How to experience it

In the hope You find Love close at hand, PortiaSLB


Eugene Fersen, Science of Being, page 224.

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