Opportunities in Karma

Photo; PSLB 2022

Many of us face obstacles that continue to resurface or have stayed with us a lifetime. And sometimes we make the excuse that it is just our karma when we really would like to change it. Instead of using the karma excuse we would be more accurate to look at a karmic obstacle simply as pointing to an opportunity to harmonize ourselves!

Opportunities for change

There are things we would like to change in our life and about ourselves, like being a chronic worrier, nervous, sickly, obese, unlucky in relationships, not good enough …… and the list goes on. And we can blame it all on karma. The ego likes to place blame elsewhere to avoid taking responsibility and doing anything about it!

In order to overcome any difficulty we must first become conscious of the payoffs so we can take steps outgrow it.

So consider this paradigm to outgrow negative egotistic difficulties:

  • Be conscious and aware of thoughts and emotions. There are payoffs for being stuck in negative traits, even those that we don’t want, like avoidance and procrastination, escape or the need to be right! We should be willing to look at those payoffs honestly and feel them completely right in the moment without being attached or take personally, letting them run out.
  • Negate any negative egotistic thought or emotion that does not serve the better good, like “I can never change this. It’s too hard. Takes too long. Is too difficult.” Mentally say something like: “Get behind me. I have outgrown this thought or emotion, condition.” And throw it in a mental trashcan.
  • Contact Source. You are from this place of Divine Harmony called Source, The Great Law, The Great Principle, Universal Life Energy, God, whatever you want to call IT where anything is possible. Therefore, make the Mental Contact with Source to help you.
  • Make Declarations of Truth, like “I am One with Source, always connected and have all the same FourSquare qualities of Power, Intelligence, Sincerity and Unconditional Love.” Let the thought and feeling enter your entire mental and emotional being ….. into your Heart and Mind, and spread into your body and each cell, cleansing, purifying and multiplying.
  • Put your heart and passion into what you want to become with powers of the FourSquare. In other words be enthusiastic, intelligent, sincere and Loving, focusing on these and manifesting them in your life choices as you become what you want.
  • Be compassionate and reach out to help others, especially those with similar opportunities. Serving humanity also serves Source and yourself.

These are simple steps and completely doable! Do them over and over as they become what you are. Remember you attract what you are! If anyone of us can do it so can You!

For more revealing info kindly link to: Outgrowing Negative Karma

In the hope You find Love close at hand, Portia SLB

“It is in this basic respect that Universal Life Energy becomes of invaluable assistance.”

Eugene Fersen, The Fundamental Principles of Science of Being, page 325.

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